On the Road to Cleaner Air: Jail Time for White-Collar Violators?
Part III – Loophole Poses Challenge to VW Criminal Case
Brandon Kline, Energy Law Fellow
than 20 federal statutes have environmental crime provisions to protect our nation’s ecological and wildlife resources.
U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s) Environmental Crimes Section works closely
with investigators from other agencies to gather evidence for prosecutions
affecting a wide range of economic activity.
the past two decades, DOJ concluded criminal cases against more than 1,000
individuals and 400 corporate defendants, leading to $825 million in criminal
fines and restitution and 774 years of jail time.
Mental State (“Mens Rea”) Required.
A party is typically
not culpable for a crime unless the act is accompanied by a guilty mind (i.e.,
mental state or “mens rea”).
Criminal intent serves to separate those who understand the
wrongful nature of their act from those who do not, but does not require
knowledge of the precise consequences that may flow from that act once aware
that the act is wrongful. United States
v. X-Citement Video, Inc., 513 U.S. 64, 72 (1994); see also Carter v. United States, 530 U.S. 255,
269 (2000) (“The presumption in favor of scienter requires a court to read into
a statute only that mens rea which is
necessary to separate wrongful conduct from 'otherwise innocent conduct.'
“). Federal courts have routinely applied
this “knowing” degree of scienter to environmental statutes.
Under this
standard, prosecutors must prove beyond a
reasonable doubt that harm was caused to the environment or public welfare, resulting
from a knowing and voluntary action by the defendant, rather than unintentional
conduct that caused the infraction. The evidence required commonly turns
on the degree of harm and the nature of the offense.
the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, Congress imposed severe felony penalties for the knowing release of
hazardous air pollutants that endanger public health.
Thus, it seems counterfactual that the
statute does not provide criminal sanctions where,
as here, an automaker is alleged to have knowingly installed a device to defeat
emissions controls for criteria air pollutants that are not listed as
“hazardous air pollutants” under the Clean Air Act.
Influencing Whether DOJ Prosecutes Environmental Crimes.
the Harvard Law Review,
Prof. David Uhlman suggests environmental prosecutions are reserved for cases
with one or more of the following: (1) significant environmental harm or public
health effects; (2) deceptive or misleading conduct; (3) operating outside the
regulatory system; or (4) repetitive violations.
research indicates one or more of these aggravating factors were present in 96%
of environmental criminal prosecutions from 2005 to 2010.
be sure, VW’s alleged actions – installing Defeat Devices in hundreds of
thousands of clean diesel cars – are likely to reach all four of the Uhlman
the automaker probably won’t face criminal prosecution for that action.
Rena Steinzor explains, “the one
criminal charge the company and its executive are likely to escape is violating
the Clean Air Act’s requirement that all cars used in the United States have
operational and effective air emissions control devices (AECD) approved by the
Loophole Favors Carmakers in Criminal Violations under the Clean Air Act.
Title II of the Clean Air Act, which pertains to mobile sources of pollution (i.e., cars
and trucks), criminal violations are expressly exempted from section 113(c)(1)
– the operative criminal penalties provisions of Title II.
the statute does not authorize EPA to refer violations of that Title to the
Department of Justice for criminal prosecution. See Section 113(a)(3).
Put another way, the agency charged with enforcing the nation’s emissions laws
can’t even ask a DOJ lawyer to go
after the bad guys.
the other hand, the Act subjects regulated entities, such as power plants, to
stiff criminal provisions for substantially similar violations.
the double standard? Auto
makers won this regulatory carve-out after lobbying Congress, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Act therefore appears to protect VW from prosecution for allegedly violating
the statutory provisions because of an express and implied exemption from
criminal prosecution.
puts an end to VW’s legal troubles, right? Not exactly.
commentators note that a
criminal case against VW would be messy, the government may pursue a number of viable
alternatives under the Clean Air Act, such as the statute’s criminal penalties
for making materially false statements or omissions in connection with
documentation of Clean Air Act compliance. See Section 113(c)(2).
the Clean Air Act, “VW could be charged with any of a number of crimes,
including wire fraud (for selling cars that did not remotely justify the claims
in its many advertisements) and making false statements to the government
officials,” Steinzor wrote.
U.S. Department of Justice Signals Individual Accountability for Corporate Wrongdoing.
spite of the prosecutorial factors outlined by Prof. Uhlman, white-collar
defendants commonly escape criminal accountability in connection with
environmental crimes because of the difficulty in proving intentional conduct.
Deputy Attorney General Sally Quillian Yates recently issued a memorandum on “Individual Accountability for Corporate Wrongdoing”
that could shift this dynamic.
“Civil attorneys investigating corporate
wrongdoing should maintain a focus on the responsible individuals, recognizing
that holding them to account is an important part of protecting the public fisc
(sic.) in the long term,” Yates
Yates memo is likely to have real implications for federal investigations into
corporate wrongdoing such as the VW matter.
Under this new guidance, federal
investigators could be paying close attention to the scope of individual
to DOJ, if the
Yates memo were adopted as part of environmental policy – and there has been no
announcement it will – it could bring significant changes to the way that the
Environmental Crime Section’s prosecutors bring criminal cases against
individuals and companies that break the laws that protect our nation’s
ecological and wildlife resources.
new guidance could represent a paradigm shift for public health and welfare
areas with parallel tracks of civil and criminal enforcement, such as
environmental law, where crimes typically require only general intent, with
simple negligence sufficient to establish criminal liability and strict
liability often the standard for civil cases.
is important: Prison time for environmental crime is the one cost that a
company manager or executive cannot pass on to customers, and represents the
ultimate deterrent.
# # #
IV of the Clean Air Act series concludes with an overview of recent
developments, including an update on the criminal probe, as well as legal
analysis of the civil complaint filed by the Department
of Justice on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency (January 2016). The
complaint alleges that nearly 600,000 diesel engine vehicles had illegal defeat
devices installed that impair their emission control systems and cause
emissions to exceed EPA’s standards, resulting in harmful air pollution.
ReplyDeleteسعر تنظيف مكيف اسبليت بالرياض
إن أفضل طريقة ممكنة للقيام بتنظيف مجرى الهواء ، هو الحصول على شركة غسيل مكفيات بالرياض في العناية بها ، أو إذا كنت تطرح سؤالاً يمكنني تنظيف مجاري الهوائية بنفسي ، فإن التحقيق في ذلك الجواب هو الأكثر تحدياً . يمكنك أن تأخذ هذا على سبيل توفير المال ، أو يمكنك النظر إليه كتجربة تعليمية. هناك دائمًا شيء يمكنك تعلمه عندما يتعلق الأمر بصيانة سكنك. إن تكاليف عمل هذه الشخصية شيء غير فعال من حيث التكلفة ، من ناحية أخرى سيكون بإمكانك التأكد من أن تنظيف مجرى الهواء يتم بشكل مناسب.